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Active member sponsorship

Sponsoring the DSA Canada Annual Conference is the perfect opportunity to show your commitment to the industry in Canada and to support DSA Canada's educational and advocacy efforts.




  • Company pop-up banner displayed in foyer of hotel meeting space.

  • Mobile banner or video ad and logo in digital conference program.*

  • Logo showcased in Awards Gala program.

  • Logo on presentation screen, podium and conference signage.

  • Website, email and social media recognition.



  • Mobile banner ad and logo in digital conference program.*

  • Logo showcased in Awards Gala program.

  • Logo on presentation screen, podium and conference signage.

  • Website, email and social media recognition.

*Mobile banner ad sizes are as follows:​

Mobile ad sizes-diamond.png
Mobile ad sizes - video.png

Elite - 300 x 600 pixels or
320 x 180 video instream ad. 

Spotlight - 336 x 336 pixels. 

Sign me up as an Active Sponsor!

Select your preferred sponsorship package below!


Please note that you will be recognized for your sponsorship once your invoice has been processed.

Select your sponsorship:


Thanks for signing up as a sponsor!

Looking for more options?

Contact Tara Wallbridge at

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